Sponsor an Orphan 2024

How You Can Make a Difference

Your contributions mean the world to us at the Teebah Foundation, and they play a crucial role in transforming the lives of orphans in need. Every donation, regardless of size, is a step towards providing these vulnerable children with a brighter future. Here are some predefined amounts, along with the specific impacts they can have:

  • £420: Sponsor an Orphan for a Year
  • £35:   Sponsor an Orphan for a Month 

About the Project

According to UNICEF and global partners, nearly 140 million orphans existed worldwide in 2015, defined as children under 18 who lost one or both parents to any cause of death. The emotional trauma these children endure is profound, and your support can make a significant difference in their lives.

In line with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad  sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ), who said: “Whoever embraces an orphan of two Muslim parents by feeding him and giving him drink until he is independent, Paradise will certainly be necessary for him.” [Musnad Ahmed], the Teebah Foundation is committed to honoring and supporting orphans until they become independent individuals. Our program focuses on providing for their basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, medication, healthcare, and education.

Who Will Benefit

Our orphan sponsorship program extends its reach to orphans in the following countries: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.  Bangladesh, Sri Lanka & Pakistan As A South Asia Triumvirate - Silk Road Briefing

Why Sponsor an Orphan

If you can afford to sponsor an orphan, consider the profound impact:

  1. Provide Lifelong Prayers: You will be caring for a young human being who will forever pray for you.
  2. Ongoing Charity (Sadaqa Jariyyah): Your sponsorship is considered an ongoing charity with great rewards.
  3. Follow the Prophet’s Example: Prophet Muhammad  sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) was once an orphan, emphasizing the importance of caring for them. He said: “The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this,” holding his two fingers together to illustrate. [Bukhari]

Take Action

If you are ready to make a difference and secure a place in paradise, join our orphan sponsorship program today. Choose your payment method at www.teebahfoundation.org/donate

No matter the size of your donation, Teebah Foundation welcomes your valuable contribution. Your support will be instrumental in bringing hope and a promising future to these deserving children.